Осъвременен икономически индекс

сряда, 19 октомври 2022

Table 1. Changes in USDA Economic Statistic

2006 2010
Value of Fat (per lb.) $1.50 $1.63
Value of Protein $1.95 $1.94
Feed Cost to Milk Price Ratio 31% 41%
Average Milk Hauling Costs $0.50 $0.57
Replacement Costs $1,800 $2,100
Value of a Heifer Calf $450 $250
Value of PTA Somatic Cell Score $58 $62


Table 2. Trait Weightings for Each USDA Profit Index.

   Relative Value (%)

Protein 16 25 0
Fat 19 13 20
Milk 19 13 19
Productive Life 22 15 22
Somatic Cell Score -10 -9 -5
Udder 7 5 7
Feet & Legs 4 3 4
Body Size -6 -4 -6
Daughter Pregnancy Rate 11 8 12
Calving Ability $ 5 3 5



Table 3. Expected Genetic Gain Per Decade

Traits Breeding Value
Change Per Decade
Protein 43
Fat 76
Milk 1,375
Productive Life 10
Somatic Cell Score -0.45
Udder 0.8
Feet & Legs 0.8
Body Size -0.98
Daughter Pregnancy Rate 3.5
Calving Ability $ 30

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